MD Support Centre Service User Survey results!

CEO Sarah Ann Moore shares key findings and feedback from our 2023 questionnaire

We are excited to share the results of our Annual Service User Survey 2023! Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey and shared feedback on the services that the Charity provides.

Special thanks to our volunteer Richard Wilson RGN BA(Hons) MA(Econ) MSc, formerly Health Services Research Project Manager and Information Governance Manager in the School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, who kindly donated his extensive skills and experience to collate the results into the formal report that you can read here.

We are delighted that the survey results continue to demonstrate the enormous impact that we are having on the health, well-being and quality of life of our service users and carers. Key findings include:

  • 77% of survey respondents said MDSC had helped them understand and manage their condition, 75% stated that their motivation was improved and 76% indicated that the MDSC assisted them to live well with MD
  • 75% said that our support – online and face to face – helps them maintain their emotional wellbeing, and 79% said our support helps them build their physical resilience
  • 89% were in agreement that our support helped keep their joints flexible, and 82% said it helped maintain muscle strength.
  • 77% said our support prevented or reduced falls, and 73% indicated that their therapy helped them kept them out of hospital and reduced their reliance on other healthcare services.
  • 76% said our support helped slow the deterioration of their condition, and 73% said that therapy support helped them manage pain.

Our team have really enjoyed reading through all of the lovely feedback and comments that so many respondents provided. We have also spent time reflecting on some of the great ideas and constructive feedback that came through, such as:

  • Making more services available at satellite clinic locations
  • Selecting music to make the environment in Centre calmer and more relaxing
  • Forging links with local taxi firms to help service users to get to us
  • Implementing online booking for appointments
  • Considering a monthly subscription to enable use of equipment

As we continue to work on our strategy for the coming years, we will provide updates on the positive changes that we can make in these areas.

All of the feedback that we receive is incredibly valuable in helping us to better shape our services, aligning what we do to what our service users want.

Feedback is also critical to demonstrate the impact that we are having and it enables us to access vital funding to keep the Charity going.

If you have any thoughts that you would like to share on any aspect of what we do at MD Support Centre, please do not hesitate to contact us at, and of course, we hope that you will take part in our next Annual Service User Survey which is due to be issued in Summer 2024!