Ulrike Uta
Ulrike started training as a physiotherapist in Germany in 1987, followed by working in hospitals and private practices.
Ulrike loves travelling and was lucky to work as a physio for 9 months in Cairo.
Since 1998 Ulrike has been living in the UK with her husband Paul, and when their twin daughters started school, Ulrike returned to work in 2002.
For the next 12 years she worked for the NHS at Solihull Hospital and specialised in Neurology. During which time she developed a love for supporting people with long term conditions and helping them to maximise function and mobility.
Ulrike started a part-time Masters degree in Physiotherapy at Coventry University, focusing on the evidence behind neurological rehabilitation and service improvement. Her dissertation examined the experiences of people with neuromuscular conditions having aquatic therapy. After 4 years of study, she graduated with a first in 2016.
During her studies Ulrike saw an advert for a Physiotherapist role at the MD Support Centre and was immediately interested. She joined the Centre in 2014. In addition she works in private practice and with the MS Society in Solihull.
The MD Support Centre environment allows Ulrike to provide patient-centred care and long-term support, making huge differences to service users optimising their function.
Working regularly in Coventry and Birmingham, she gains a broader perspective on how the MDSC satellite clinics grow and develop, and how they bring therapies closer to people's homes, making it more accessible.